OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
The global pandemic has brought changes in more areas than one. I believe Covid-19 has instilled a sense of the importance of community and as we have become more isolated in some ways it is also important to reach into the community and help and become more connected in other ways by donating, sponsoring, and promoting non-profits in your area.
62% of customers say they “want companies to take a stand on current and broadly relevant issues”. The chances are good that in 2022, brands will continue emphasizing these values in their marketing. Do you support local veterans, homeless, food banks, elderly, and animals in need?
As a part of the community build partnerships with nonprofit organizations that are actively helping the community and generally making the world a better place. However, you shouldn’t just collaborate with nonprofits for the sake of marketing. Instead, you should make sure the philanthropic mission of the organization you work with supports your company’s values.
So, for example, if your brand is all about sustainability and eco-friendly practices, you can build an alliance with a nonprofit that has similar values.
Your marketing plan should include strategies for illustrating your support- and action-based priorities. You should not limit yourself to advocating for the nonprofit. Instead, take extensive measures, such as making donations or providing sponsorships, to get more effective results. Dedicating a page on your website to these organizations gives them more exposure and perhaps a way to connect with your customers on another level.