OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Your business rating impacts business. We work with you to bring in good reviews and minimize the impact of bad ones. Getting positive reviews is very important for SEO ranking, building trust, and bringing you more business.
The EZ Review Leader helps small and medium-sized businesses quickly gather positive reviews to be published publicly and capture negative reviews. This type of reputation management allows the business owner to respond to a customer that had a bad experience and make the necessary adjustments, giving them a second chance to get a positive review.
The positive review will direct customers to post on any public site they want. Some sites we will help you get positive posts to are significant sites like Google, Yahoo, and Yelp. We can also direct them to directories like Angieslist, BBB, YP, and others. Social media sites like Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Nexdoor, and Twitter will drive traffic to your business.
Other types of listings can be local listings like BBB, EZ local, YellowB, Judy's book, and others. Industry-specific sites for Autos and Cars are car Gurus, cars.com, dealer rater, edmunds.com, auto MD, and repair PAL.
Consumer advocacy like reseller rating, consumer affairs, and measure up will let you stand out among other businesses in your industry. Other industry-specific places to get noticed are dentistry and restaurant and dining sites like Fodors, OpenTable, and Zagat.
You have created a Review and Lead Generating system all at the same time. Your Reputation is shown in Search Engine Results, and Customers are now more likely to choose YOUR business for their dollars.