OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
When visitors come to your website, it must load quickly. How quickly? Google recommends your page load time should be under 3 seconds. The reason is apparent, the faster pages load, the better the user experience. The better the experience for the user, then Google will reward your site with a higher organic ranking.
We live in an instant world, and Google is no different. It gives you a Quality Score to determine your speed from 1 to 10. To ensure your site loads quickly, we optimize images, compress files, and minimize the use of heavy scripts. If your site has 3 or 4 videos on the home page, this will slow your site considerably depending on how these videos are loaded. Google's score includes all three versions of your website, desktop, tablet, and mobile.
A speedy page is an integral part of boosting conversion rates and sales. A few extra seconds of website load time may not seem like much, but as each second your site takes to load, the potential to lose out on prospective customers or clients increases. Call us for a free website demo, and we can show you how our sites will meet your business goals.