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Cheryl Anderson
We all have heard of SEO Search Engine Optimization, but with AI moving rapidly, your website designer should now be ready for the next wave of search SGE Search Generated Experience.
It's still in its beta form but already affects 75% of most queries and 96% of all e-commerce searches. Who is most impacted by the new kind of search? Almost every verticle is affected except finance, health industries, and, surprisingly, anything COVID-related.
How to prepare for the new SGE is still being tested and explored, but having 10% more relevant content that is easy to digest and pages with lighter code is responding better will be a great start. It is estimated to be launched at the end of this year or the beginning of next. We know Google and other search engines want to keep selling their advertising, so how it will affect Google ads is still a wait-and-see scenario.
The final Thought is that search engines watch user behavior and give their customers quality searches. Be ready for a new world of SEO, and its frequently changing landscape.