OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Does your non-profit need to get the word out? ...
To volunteers, donors, members and supporters to learn more about you? A website and social media are the doors for outsiders to learn more about you and your mission. According to the 2020 Global Trends in Giving Report, 63% of donors in North America prefer to give online. You may only be reaching about 1/3 of your support without a professional website.
This will also impact who will volunteer at your organization. Having a volunteer form on the website where your supporters can see how they can volunteer, sign up as to how often and in what ways they want to get more involved makes it easy to ex[and your reach.
Having membership cards for sale can be another way they can support your organization. How about offering corporate memberships at a higher price point to get even more support?
Offering prizes and away to sign up on the web is another way to get support for your website. Are you hosting a big event that you are selling tickets to? Selling tickets online and using the email receipt as a digital ticket may save time on the day of the event.
How about scholarships or donations you offer to the community? Adding pages about these events and ways to apply make it easy for everyone.
Soooo Who Will Your Website Target?
What is Your Mission?
Having a mission statement and core purpose, helps viewers understand who you are and why you’re important to the community. The history of the organization and the values it represents is vital to getting support.
The Ernie Hall Aviation Museum has a clear mission: Our mission is to offer the Ernie Hall Aviation Museum to the entire community to explore the birth of aviation. Also displaying the board members, what kind of services you offer to the schools and the community, and how they can apply for a visit or when you are open.
Selling merchandise on the website like memorial bricks, t-shirts, hats, jackets and memorabilia can also support your non-profit.
Your website is the door to invite more people to get involved with your nonprofit’s work, and every page should have a clear and consistent message.
Join the 2/3 of the nonprofits that have a website with our free website demo.