OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
1. Does it Offer Unlimited Plans?
Unfortunately, the website builder does not offer any unlimited plans to users. Even if you choose the most expensive method, you will not receive unlimited storage or bandwidth solutions for your website. The commercial plans also don't offer this ease.
On the other hand, our website builder will offer unlimited pages, tech support, links & much more.
2.Can You Migrate The Data Anywhere Else?
If you are unhappy or your website is not performing great, can you use the info elsewhere? If that is not the case, you should add more features to increase the website performance that some platforms don't support. Unfortunately, it is challenging to move your content away you outgrow the website.
That is why even if you think that professional web development is out of your budget, you should rethink this as an investment in your business. Otherwise, It will not grow with your needs. So, you must factor in this cost.
3. Is SEO Is A Pain or Posible?
When you use many of these do-it-yourself sites, you do not receive access to an SEO Wizard, or it is antiquated. The primary aim of building a website is to maximize content optimization.
Its techniques focus primarily on ranking, grouping, and keywords without considering modern SEO. Of course, this will now be a deal-breaker for everyone. However, without real SEO Build ready, it will be a disadvantage if you want long-term website success.
4. Does The Drag & Drop Limit Creativity?
Most DIY systems have limitations that you must be aware of. For example, you can drag and drop items anywhere you like instead of the locked boxes. However, getting a design that looks like you want it to will take time and effort.
Many people don't know this, but designing a website takes a long time. So, be sure to schedule many hours to work on your website design.
5. Is It More Expensive Than You Think?
The highest cost of using DIY for many people is a hidden one. It's the cost of websites built by users who may not know what makes a website really work. Therefore, it doesn't get found, or it doesn't function well. That lack of functionality is probably costing you business.
I compare this loss of business to a garage owner with a cheap website built several years ago. It couldn't be found. When a new website and offsite business listings were put live, he was inundated with work. If you imagine, he built that website on one of these DIY sites without understanding the essential elements of search engine visibility.
6. Do You Have Tech-Support Help?
Many DIY have chat forums where other users give advice to you. This may be good advice or not so good. We offer 24/7 Tech support by chat, phone, and screen share. Based in the United States, English is our tech people's primary language. Their only job is to help YOU!
So, what are the disadvantages of DIY website builders? These points are the top disadvantages you will experience when using various systems. Take them into account, and then decide if you want to use this website builder for your business or if having a professional site is worth the time and investment.
Give us a call 330-651-7131