OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Health professionals can take their business to the next level by incorporating a website into their practice. When you are ready to expand your business to new services, it's a great time to brand it separately with a new website and advertising.
What are some health professionals that could use a second income stream by adding additional services? Chiropractors offer many modalities, from massage therapy to nutrition counseling. These additional services can expand to be their own "business" instead of an add-on to an existing business.
Adding a mobile service to your existing medical practice should be its own business with a separate logo, website, and social media marketing. With the aging population, many medical services are now going to the patients, like in-home visiting doctors, x-rays, physical therapists, and nurses. Remember our furry animal friends. Some veterinarians are also coming to you to provide their services.
Call us to discuss our digital marketing and website ideas to expand your practice. 330-651-7131