OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
It is not a luxury in this connected world to establish a robust online presence. It's a necessity! Having a website and digital marketing with a comprehensive and custom solution will be the difference between a thriving, profitable business and a failing one.
1. Conflicting Interest
Facebook belongs to Facebook, and they make the rules. Facebook's primary goal is to have you click on FB ads, which can result in distractions and lost business.
2. No Design Flexibility
Facebook is very limited to how your page will look and the experience the user will have. This lack of design will hinder your brand and not showcase your unique qualities.
With a website, you will have complete control over the branding and messaging of the business to ensure its influential position in your areas of expertise.
3. Customer Retention
Facebook markets to customers who are engaging with the client's page to pull those customers you are targeting onto pages who are using their ads. These ads can result in a business losing potential customers.
A Website will keep remarketing and retargeting more efficiently so customers return to your site to close the deal by offering new and complementary services. Organic marketing will bring in new customers as well.
Landing pages are valuable for a specific purpose to convert leads for one particular purpose, but they can not replace a website.
Business directories are a thing of the past. Businesses like Yelp have challenging standards to meet and are expensive. Customers use search engines like Google and Bing. What you pay for each lead (even those you don't git) could pay for a site in a few months.
A website will:
You may think of your website as a digital business card, but your website is more than just an interactive digital page with buttons. The website offers valuable functions and interactive features to enhance user experiences and serve as a menu of products, services, and galleries of images. A website is a hub of engaging, in-depth content to persuade customers to use your services.
Your website should meet your specific business needs and is worth the investment in time and money. Just a few customers are sufficient to cover the investment, and there is no better ROI in marketing for long-term growth than a website.
Your cash flow advantage may be challenging, but this investment, although manageable, will begin bringing in revenue from new customers and will cover the ongoing expenses, bringing your business financial relief and stability.
Shoot us an email at info@theezwebsolutions.com