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Cheryl Anderson
The website will be your online hub and give you credibility. Every major publisher now requires that part of your PR campaign include a website as part of your marketing campaign.
So, what should you include on your author's website?
Of course, you want all of your basic information, but also things they need help finding. Adding a news page of upcoming events, book signings, and anything that sets you apart, like volunteer work related to your work that your readers will be interested in.
Here are some essential elements that writers should include on their website:
The key is to organize the information well. The menu should look simplistic, with clear titles and a dropdown menu to clarify what is on each page.
Please provide a short bio with photos; each book should have its own page with a description. Your blog will be an integral part of the website, and we recommend writing one or two weekly entries—precise contact info so readers can contact you and a media page. A big part of being an author is to promote yourself. You are now becoming a brand.
To learn more, set up a free demo.