OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Has there been a change to the company name, products, or services? Then it's time to change your look, message, and focus. These changes usually require transforming how a company represents itself in print, signs, and digitally.
A website is an online form of the business that must match the company's brand, so the website needs to adapt the new company logo, color tone, message, and values to represent the "new" message.
Company Growth & Changes
One recent rebranding is Dunkin' Donuts to just Dunkin'. The company is growing and changing, and today is so much more than just donuts. The company brand that started as coffee and donuts no longer fits how the world is changing and wanting healthier fast foods.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Another standard change in business is that companies come together and purchase another company making significant changes for both businesses. They may need to merge their names, brands, and focus. The result can be minimal or require a whole new website redesign.
A New Perspective from Management
Management may develop from two or three successful locations to a franchise. This expansion will require a different marketing approach, and these changes must be communicated on the website.
Release of a New Product or Service
Most successful businesses adapt as our world changes, and these additions, removals, and product changes must reflect in the website redevelopment. You will also want to promote these new releases to attract new customers to your business.
Technology Changes
Technology changes may also require a company to redevelop its website. In 2015 Google introduced a new mobile-friendly algorithm, and in 2020, they switched to mobile-first indexing for all websites. A website redesign has become necessary for all companies that want to stay relevant online.
Competitor Rebranding
If your local competitor is rebranding and redesigning their website, it may be time to up your branding and web presence. A new look and feel to your website can be the best way to help a business become more successful and compete.
Your Move
As times change, there are many reasons to choose a website redesign, and we would love to be a part of that process. We offer a no-obligation demo website to show you some advantages we can bring your business over the competition.