OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Here are some suggestions:
1.(Re) Launch a new website
Have a new website designed featuring the changes to your business and the new services you offer. Pictures of your unique items and the store will help customers identify with the company. Images of your team will help customers recognize the owners & employees .
2. Blend Your On & Offline Business
Blend online and offline experiences. Have an Open House and invite your customers. Some customers may not be able to make it in person, so set up a live stream, and have someone on your team capture the event's images and post them on your website and social media. Offer food and some giveaways to entice people to come to your event.
3. Reward Loyal Customers
If you're are re-opening, hand friends and family supporting your efforts or had previous customers make sure to thank them with a small discount, a special party, or a gift. Customer retention is more profitable than getting new customers. A loyalty program may be the best way to get faithful customers back to your business. If you're selling online, offering a discount code in a newsletter will be an easy way to give these repeat customers a reason to shop.
4. Embrace Social Media
Make sure you announce your re-opening or opening on all the social media outlets that make sense for your demographic. Facebook is the most used social media outlet. Still, Pinterest is great if your business lends itself to images, Twitter if you have something short and sweet to announce, LinkedIn if your business lends itself to professionals and Snapchat for the younger crowd. There are many more and don't forget to Blog.
5. Support a Cause
Many businesses and non-profits have struggled through the pandemic. Use your grand opening or re-opening to support a favorite local charity like a sports team or a pet rescue, collect donations for a woman's shelter or donate a portion of your business's first month's profits to a cause you believe in. Supporting these charities may also bring in larger crowds to your open house. Use your imagination and pick a cause many can help.