OH (330) 651-7131
PA (724) 624-8068
Cheryl Anderson
Many realtors feel that the website of the well-known real estate broker they work for is a sufficient online presence—especially if they have a bio on the site. However, there are a few reasons not to leave your online presence in the umbrella brand’s hands.
1. You trust them to accurately represent what sets you apart from the other agents who work for them. You may specialize in finding homes for the elderly, new construction, property management, commercial sales, land development, luxury rentals, farms or timber purchasing, or vacation rentals. Maybe you focus on only sellers or you find representing buyers is a niche you like better. Representing investors who buy and sell property frequently for financial gain may be a subspecialty you find as a great opportunity for your real estate business. We have even designed and developed sites for mobile home parks to help them attract the kind of clients they are looking for. And home builders to showcase their new construction on the web.
Improve Rankings
2. Also, you are limiting your search rankings by not having a site of your own pop up when potential clients search for terms like ‘Mahoning Valley Real Estate Agent. When you do NOT have your own website presence apart from the real estate brand you work for it's much harder to set yourself apart from all the other agents under the umbrella of your agency. Your own web presence makes it easier for potential clients to see you are a step above the other REALTORS.
Keeping Contacts while Moving Brand
3. What will happen if you leave that brand in the future to work with a different team? You will have to start over earning authority for your new page on a different site. With your own website, it will be just a few changes of brand name and colors to represent the new agency. You will collect your own contact list through our contact manager and Customer Relation Manager (CRM) to maintain your own buyer and seller lists. Many times when you leave a real estate broker they keep your names list and you have to start over with a new list of potential clients.
A Few Clients we have helped:
A Few Client types of we have helped: